Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the Flu

The Flu, in it's varied forms is hitting the 2009 Blue Devil Football team, and hitting hard.

There is no question that the Blue Devils out-hit defending state champs James Monroe last Friday night. They were, no doubt faster and bigger and more athletic than we were. I am VERY proud of our guys that they played hard, to the final whistle. The Blue Devils out classed, and out hit JM by far.

As hard as the Devils hit Friday, we were out hit by the Flu. It started late last week. Several players played through dehydration, fatigue and the other symptoms indicative of the Flu. We were decimated yesterday in practice, almost 1/2 the team out due to the Flu.

Let's all hope that the Devils get healthy, drink plenty of fluids and get that much needed rest.



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