Monday, September 21, 2009

Behind the Sideline

I had this weekend off from football, almost. Friday I went to the Eastern View vs. William Monroe game for two reasons. One, I'm addicted to football and two, we have to play EVHS again.

I didn't learn much from watching the EVHS game that I didn't already know. They make their living off of the Bubble Screen and the Jailbreak Screen. On D they run a 4-4. OK.

What I did learn was how long a football game really is. When I'm coaching a game, good or bad the time absolutely screams by. When watching a game, time seems to stop. My wife reminded me that she watches all of my games.

When coaching, half-time is terribly quick. There is next to no time to put in more than one or two adjustments, or speak with the O/D Linemen to get their perspectives on what they are seeing as opposed to what is really happening.

When watching, half-time is more than enough time to stand in line for the crowded bathroom. Stand in another long line for bad concession stand food, and get back to where you are sitting to be annoyed that there is still 5 minutes before the teams come out.

As someone who has been patrolling the sidelines for nine years before that 7 years of playing, it has been quite a while since I have been in the bleachers for a high school football game. I now have a much greater appreciation of life, Behind the Sideline.



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