Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thursday of...Lift-A-Thon Week???

Still not quite used to having nothing to prepare for this coming Friday. Two Bye weeks, I digress.

This Friday the Culpeper Blue Devils Football Team is holding their first ever Lift-A-Thon. The players are getting sponsors to donate money to the team based on how much weight they can lift in a one time MAX OUT lift. The Devils have four lifts to put up as much weight as possible; Bench Press, Dead Lift, Squat, and Power Clean.

If the guys get out and get people to promise .01 per pound we lifted 51,315 pounds. If each player gets a penny a pound that's $514.15. If each player gets five people to sponsor them at a penny a pound it'll be $2570.75!!! That's if they maintained their strength. Naturally we should get stronger and the Blue Devils lift twice a week in season.

Let's go Devils! Push yourself, that's the only way you get better!



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