Thursday, October 29, 2009

3-1 in the District

Last Friday's homecoming game was outstanding. The Devils went 4 years without a win at Broman Field for the Blue Devil faithful. A long time due, no doubt.

The Devils D was a force to be reckoned with once again. To point out that in each of our three wins this season the D has not given up ANY points. Playing lights out is an understatement. Not only did the D disallow points but they scored a TD as well. Outstanding. I could not be more proud.

I am also beaming about the fact that I feel that we have the strongest, but the best O-Line in the district. The only team that I haven't seen, either in person or on film, is Chancellor. Our O-Line is impressive. They are far from perfect, but impressive nonetheless.

I am looking forward to our game Friday against Courtland, let's see if our D can play with the Big Boys...



Monday, October 19, 2009

2-1 in Battlefield District

The Blue Devils overcame the Flu, horrible field/ playing conditions, bus malfunctions, and THE WORST officiating I have ever been apart of to grab our second win in the Battlefield District.

It was roughly 42 degrees and a constant rain. "The Pit" a qualified name given to the King George football field, is not only a name but a description. The field seemed to collect water from the surrounding area. Two inch deep mud at mid-field or the sideline was not uncommon in the 2nd quarter.

The Devils' D was outstanding for the second time, in both wins, coincidence?? It became apparent early on that KG would struggle to move the ball, even without some key players out due to the Flu. The O was able to grab 2 quick TD's which was enough for a win. All week we struggled in practice with even having enough players to practice 11 on 11, because of the Flu. There were several Devil's that could not even make the trip to KG and several others that did make the trip but did not dress.

Well before half-time it became clear that we would not be allowed to score anymore, not because of KG's defense, because of the officials. I am not one to complain about officiating, usually. I feel that getting the win allows us to point out that the officiating was atrocious. To be clear, I understand that there are going to be missed calls and blown calls in any given game that does not employ instant replay. What the Devils were a party to on Friday even goes beyond home officiating. I seemed as though every time we gained a 1st down there was a mysterious penalty. In fact while watching film with the team on Saturday AM, I criticized an O-lineman for virtually doing nothing and THAT was the play he was flagged for a hold. OK. I looked at the film for another played that held...NOTHING not even close. This was just one example. I was so angry during the game and it was so obvious, I began to dismiss it and focused on making sure the players kept calm and didn't get frustrated to the point of ACTUALLY committing a rule infraction. At least now it's over, Devils win, all is good.

This week's focus is Spotsy. Homecoming. There is work to do.



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the Flu

The Flu, in it's varied forms is hitting the 2009 Blue Devil Football team, and hitting hard.

There is no question that the Blue Devils out-hit defending state champs James Monroe last Friday night. They were, no doubt faster and bigger and more athletic than we were. I am VERY proud of our guys that they played hard, to the final whistle. The Blue Devils out classed, and out hit JM by far.

As hard as the Devils hit Friday, we were out hit by the Flu. It started late last week. Several players played through dehydration, fatigue and the other symptoms indicative of the Flu. We were decimated yesterday in practice, almost 1/2 the team out due to the Flu.

Let's all hope that the Devils get healthy, drink plenty of fluids and get that much needed rest.



Monday, October 5, 2009



Lemmie take a minute... YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot tell you the feeling of getting that monkey, or in our case that gorilla, off of our backs. I have believed that the 2009 Blue Devils were a good football team since last February. That is the truth.

I want to credit our D and our Linemen. They won that game. The Devils shut down EVERY facet of Caroline's Offense, we made a statement. In the first half the Cavs had -9 yards of total O. They closed out the game with a whopping 5 total yards of O. That is impressive, I don't care who you are. We had a stellar Defensive stand on our own 11 yard line after a muffed punt. Not only did we prevent them from scoring but we pushed them back over 20 yards!

These kids were not given ANYTHING! They went out and took that game!

Let me take a minute...nope I couldn't be more proud to coach such a fine group of young gentlemen.



Friday, October 2, 2009

GAME DAY...Finally

I'm both anxious and excited about tonight's game against Caroline County High School.

We match up well with them. Unfortunately we did not get the help that we needed during the last two bye weeks as far as healing from injuries. Our Secondary is very thin, veeeery thin.

This game is entirely on the broad shoulders of our Linemen. They know it. I know it. We need to be relentless in our pursuit of their QB, and devastating when opening holes for the RB.

It is a loooooong bus ride to Caroline from Broman Field, my goal is that the ride back feels like a quick one.