Thursday, October 29, 2009

3-1 in the District

Last Friday's homecoming game was outstanding. The Devils went 4 years without a win at Broman Field for the Blue Devil faithful. A long time due, no doubt.

The Devils D was a force to be reckoned with once again. To point out that in each of our three wins this season the D has not given up ANY points. Playing lights out is an understatement. Not only did the D disallow points but they scored a TD as well. Outstanding. I could not be more proud.

I am also beaming about the fact that I feel that we have the strongest, but the best O-Line in the district. The only team that I haven't seen, either in person or on film, is Chancellor. Our O-Line is impressive. They are far from perfect, but impressive nonetheless.

I am looking forward to our game Friday against Courtland, let's see if our D can play with the Big Boys...



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