Monday, November 9, 2009

A Game of Inches

Last Friday 11.6.09 was a great football contest between the Culpeper Blue Devils and the visiting Eastern View Cyclones.

I have never been a part of a game that was a closer in score or in competition. The game was, when all the dust had settled, a 1 point game in favor of the visitors. The scoreboard bounced back and fourth, it was a 2 point game at the half.

The two teams couldn't be more different, yet only a few miles apart.

One team big bruising ball control, line up and punish the opponent. The other swift, throw all over the field and use finesse.

The game could not have been closer. I am proud to have coached the Devils on that day. That was a game that I will never forget, ever. The players that played for me gave me everything they had and then some. They played hard and clean. They got knocked down and got up with more conviction to make the opponent pay than I have ever seen.

Today and in the coming years, I am a proud Blue Devil.



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